
Friday, June 25, 2021

Post 165: Sunset at Steppingstone Park



It’s 8:30 p.m. do you know where you heart it is?

I know where mine is,

It’s here at the park with my mother and brother,

As we sit and watch the sun set.


The lights have just come on,

And in the distance the sun has gone to sleep,

And soon we will too.


But not yet,

Not yet.


There are still wisps of sun decorating the sky like cotton candy or Kris Kringle’s beard only orange not white or pink.


Tattered American flags decorate the dock fluttering in the wind like my heart.

They are a reminder of a Memorial Day gone by,

Gone, but not forgotten.


Two planes fly in the distance in opposite directions,

And though I hear them I really can’t tell what sound is which plane,

The sky grows in orange brilliance, and puts the LED lights to shame.


Sailboats and motorboats bob and bob,

And I try to ignore the mosquitoes as long as I can.


It was so hot today more like August than June.

I hid inside to escape and fell asleep by the air conditioner, and felt more like a bear than a man.


But here at the dock tonight no AC is needed at all,

Only a gentle breeze.


We are witnesses to God’s paintbrush,

And even the beautiful Asian women that walk past me like Gatsby’s green lights are forgotten for a while.


For beauty nature has no rival,

For it’s sunsets there is no compare,

They are truly a marvel,

Steppingstone Park please wait for us,

How we all long to visit you and stare.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Post 164: Not Enough Change


This is poem is based on a true encounter that I witnessed in a store.

Young man, young man, what is it that you have there?

Two six packs of soda, and no money to spare.

Those aren’t the cheap ones, those aren’t on sale,

The boy looked puzzled, and body seemed frail.

She smiled and pointed to go to aisle eight,

He quickly flew there without a debate.

Are you from the projects? She asked with a smile,

Yes, he said without a hint of denial.

She empathized with him she had been there before,

She lived there once, and had always wanted more.

You don’t have enough change I can’t make this sale,

His young face blanched, and body turned pale.

She changed her mind, and gave him a wink,

Just don’t tell my super you know what he would think,

He would come over and make a big stink.

The boy was grateful what more could he say,

Except for a simple thank you it brightened his day.

One small act can mean so very much,

I was touched by the moment it was something I could clutch.

Then he was gone and out of my gaze,

I wonder if I could get her a raise.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Post 163: Obsessions

Are obsessions ever good for us? 

Do they ever make us strong? 

Or do they just bring us to our knees? 

Because we know that they are wrong. 

My friend obsesses about his job, 

But dwelling doesn’t do a thing, 

It just keeps him up at night, 

And gives him endless grief. 

Some obsess over women, 

They can’t get enough, 

And yet even when satisfied feel empty, 

Because they know it isn’t love. 

Some pine for unrequited love, 

Some pursue lost dreams, and never give up. 

Obsessions are like misplaced keys and wallets, 

They can make life extremely tough. 

But having a goal and taking small steps is a good place to start,

Just don’t let your thoughts be your master, 

For they can become a new drug.


So keep dreaming and pursue what gives you joy, 

Just remember to keep certain thoughts fleeting, 

Because obsessions can make life feel wrong.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Post 162: God

God, I’ve never been a religious person before,

But I need your strength to help me endure.

I am in pain, but it’s not from disease,

It’s because I can’t meet my needs.

Obligations have grown incredibly fast,

And my courage is low, and may nearly have passed.

I am not happy that much is clear,

I am frustrated, and living in deep fear.

I want to survive, and I want to smile,

I want to move forward, and stop living in denial.

I know you can’t give me a home in heaven,

I know I can’t work there for even one second.

But if you could send me an angel with fire,

I could engulf my heart’s desire.

I could stand tall, and face all my fears,

I could sing songs in my enemy’s ears.

I could laugh and cry, and not really care,

Because God is in me and with me so what if life’s unfair.

Thank you God I will make a mark for me alone,

I care not for anyone else’s enchanted throne.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Post 161: Powerless

Anthony Bourdain hung himself, 

And Kate Spade too, 

And I felt powerless, 

Because I didn’t know what to do. 

I don’t want to leave flowers, 

My brother doesn’t want to talk at all,

I try to raise the topic, 

I try to discuss their fall. 

Too often the desires of the heart, 

Seem to win in the end, 

It’s just too easy to lose a loved one, 

Or lose an important friend. 

Depression, drugs, diets and desires or demands that we face,

Can often make us feel hopeless, 

And sometimes feel disgraced. 

A friend may call and ask if you would lend a hand, 

Do you truly hear them? 

Do you think that you can? 

I’m not a professional, 

I don’t have the degrees, 

But you have your humanity, 

And that’s worth a thousand framed trees. 

So listen to your neighbor, your brother, or your wife,

Hear the words that are spoken, 

Hear them when they cry. 

And give advice if asked, 

Or an intervention if there’s need, 

Because life often becomes better, 

You can plant an important seed. 

Give the number of a therapist, 

That listens to what you say, 

Tell the person that you’re there for them, 

And that suicide is not the way.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Post 160: There it Goes


The sun is warm in my room, 

And I wonder what we will have to do soon.

It’s getting much thinner out there,

High in the sky, the stratosphere.

I’m worried about what will happen you see,

I’m worried that someday we won’t have it so easy.

They used to say the Bronx is burning, but now it’s California, Utah, and Arizona too,

Call it fake news if you want, but we all know it’s the truth.

The nights are getting so much warmer,

The winters are fleeting,

And our snowcaps are receding.

The ozone is thinner than ever before,

The CFC’s and coal plants are destroying it for sure,

The fridges and air conditioners are doing their thing,

And I hoped we would have learned to lessen their sting.

But progress is slow, and opinion as well,

I hope my words can ring the bell.

One if by land, and two if by sea,

What I see is going quick,

Do you see what I see?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Post 159: Falsely Accused

Walking down that long aisle,

Whistling songs all the while,

On the way to my trial,

Question is who to dial, and what plea to file.

The guards are yelling jeers,

The prisoners are giving me leers,

And in it all stands my solitary mother in tears,

Don’t be afraid she says you’ll always be my dear.

Cameras are flashing like a sea of stars,

Their blinding light like a caravan of cars,

At least I’ll never again be behind bars.

Was that the sound of applause?

I wonder, what was the cause?

Please God no long pause.

The verdict is in,

I knew what it would be,

I knew they would never set me free.

Not to say that I feel guilt,

It’s the scales of justice that are tilt.

It’s not a trial it’s a show,

To the chair, I must go,

One last word and that is no!