
Friday, January 15, 2016

Story 98: The ultimate gatekeeper

     Anyone who has seen the film The Butler or The Help knows that sometimes the people who work for us see us as we truly are (Not just our barbers), and different from the way the world perceives us.

     Rabbi E. once told our congregation a story about a doorman at the White house named Bruce.  Bruce worked for five presidents. Every day, his job was simply to open the door of the White House and announce, “Good morning Mr. President.”

 Bruce was once asked “Which of the presidents did you like best?”

Bruce replied,”Eisenhower.”

“Why?” he was asked.

“Because, unlike the other presidents, when I said ‘Good Morning Mr. President’ Eisenhower always replied. ‘Good morning Bruce’ "

Life Lesson 98:  The golden rule is that we should treat all people the way we want to be treated.  This applies whether we are a hard-working doorman, or the leader of the free world. In addition, to always treat people with respect, and not act like we are better than anyone, because underneath our clothes, we are all the same. Human.

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